Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10 years in the making...

In 1999, when I was just 19, I remember walking into the Dean's office at Concordia University in Ann Arbor and telling him I was dropping out of school. That going to school full time and working 3 part time jobs to pay for it was just too much work for me, not to mention the way some students treated me (but that's another story). He said to me "If you leave, the chances of you ever going back to school are slim to none". I just looked at him and said "Dean (insert past Deans name here I have since forgotton) you just watch your mailbox because the moment I register at a new school I will send you a letter to tell you you were wrong about me"

Well, he is no longer the Dean of Admissions at Concordia University, so it's too bad I can never send him that long awaited letter.

On Jan 21st, 2010 I will attend my first college course in 10 years. Yup, I finally did it! I registered for 2 classes (hey I need to start somewhere) at Johnson County Community College (JCCC). I'm am extremely excited about this new endevor and only hope I can keep up with the homework and such seeing as I'm so busy at home taking care of 3 kids and a husband. These classes will be evening courses of course, and to start, I'm taking Sociology and English Comp 2.

I've decided after all these years that I want to become an Occupational Therapist (something I could never work towards at Concordia). With this career choice under way I expect to be in school for the next 7-8 years, with a hopeful graduation at 38 years young. If I can land a job by the time I'm 40 then I would feel as if I've reached my goal.

"They say" you're never too old to learn, but MAN being there at JCCC registering for classes last week with 500 other younger, more vibrant students made me feel out of place. At my age, you're expected to have already finished college AND your masters and be working in the career of your choice. I just have to remind myself that I chose to drop out of school, no one forced me to, and I took a different path.

Now, 3 kids and 2 husbands later, I'm ready to be a student again!!! And Dean something-or-other can kiss my community college butt!